Sunday, August 18, 2002

You ever have one of those days? The past week has been one of those days. Im pissed off at the whole world right now, with the exception of Colleen, Fox, and B. I cant STAND anyone else... well that isnt true I still love Cal.

Its just like such bull shit. I dont understand anyone anymore. Nothing makes sence its like.. hello people heads out of your butts.

I have a very long history of always being right. I cant help uit, it just happens Mostly it comes from keeping my mouth shut till Im sure that Im right. Like with Ris I totally staied quiet till he ASKED if Satan {his ex} was screwing around on him and treating him badly. I told him what I thought causing a huge problem. Well once again, I opened my big fat mouth trying to help someone.

NEVER again, Peter, Christina if you are reading this, and you probably are beucase you know how much I hate it when you pry into my life, GO THE FUCK AWAY.

The basic story is, I found out about Peter, after I thought we were... I dont know what I thought we were. We were something or getting close, anyway, I ranted and raved to him about Satan and Christina, becuase I can not STAND these girls. They are stupid, selfish sluts.

WELL after I talked to Peter, he told her what I had said {smart move ya dumb f*ck} and she proceds to bother me, calling me a fat ass ho and a bunch of other things not worth repeating {like I care} ANYWAY, I talked to Ris because most of this is happening on his site and I feel like he should be taking care of this, apparently Im the only person who does.

He refuses to do anything! Now shes emailing me and IMing me, and in general trying to make my life hell. I dont really care about her, I was trying to help out someone I care about, trying to keep him from being hurt and I get fucked over. Heh. Ris put it perfectly-"You try to help people and you just get yourself in trouble"


Anyway moving right along. Tomorrow/Today {however you look at it} Is Grams b-day. I am bieng hauled over to hte nursing home to see her. Call me an ungreateful bitch if you must, but I really dont feel like being repramanded at this perticular point in time! I dont feel like bieng made out to be a horrible futureless child. ::sigh:: OR hearing about hte damn CNA who is screwing her comitose roommate! {which isnt even happening thank you very much}

BLARG Im in a bad mood tonight.

xoxo SJ at 5:24 PM.

About Me

Name ♥ Sara
Birthday ♥ o1//o2
Horoscope ♥ Aquarius
School ♥ Of Hard Knocks


Listening to ♥ Blue October Reading ♥ Reservation Blues


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Wazoo Sings
Chealsea Genzano
Lennon Murphy
Imogen Heap
Frou Frou
Bess Rogers
Regina Spektor
Will Hoge
Josh Ritter
Amos Lee
David James


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