Thursday, April 07, 2005

Name: Sara
Nicknames: Sara Janie, Sara Suzy Belle, Sara Sue, Sarabelle, Belle, Abby, Sawa, Hookerbell, Skank, Squishy Booh, Monroe, Twinkerbell, Abby, Abbs, Abbikins, Kinney
Birthday: 2/1/85
Zodiac: Aquarius
Nationality: American Mutt, there’s more Irish in me than anything
Height: 5’9
Siblings: Three half sisters, Katie, Lori, and Melanie
Pets: four cats, Dandy-Lionel, Lola Belle, Zilly, and Josie
Are you sensitive: Me? I’m a bad ass. Stone cold bitch.
Do you have a crush on someone?: Yea
Do they know?: I think they might
Do you have a bf/gf: No, I can’t keep men or women around. Ha.
Do you want one?: Not really believe it or not.
What do you think about Ouija Boards: they freak me out honestly.
Play an instrument?: A bit badly
What instrument?: Clarinet, Flute, learning Guitar
Speak a language?: yea
What language?: Engish ha! And Shakespeare
What time is it: 1:35 PM

***Person Who Last....***
Called you: Ash
Slept in your bed: me
Saw you cry: my mom
Made you cry: Jake
You shared a drink with: Colin, Levi, Timmy, Ashley, and Kadie
You went to the movies with: Kadie and Ash
You went to the mall with: Aunt Sue, Aunt Carol, Chairty, Mom, and Uncle Evertt
Yelled at you: my mom
Sent you an e-mail: Shaun

****Have you ever... ****
Taken a picture of yourself with a milk moustache and sent it to the milk people: no, but that’s a good idea.
Said "I love you" and meant it?: unfortunately I say it to the wrong people
Dressed as the opposite sex?: meh that’s a bit difficult.
Gotten into a fight with your Dog/Cat: yes. Dandy bites.
Been to New York?: no
Been to Florida?: no
California?: no
Hawaii?: Sister lived there for four years
Mexico?: no
China?: no
Canada? no
Russia?: no
France?: no
Had milk come out your nose?: it hurt. A lot.
Danced Naked: I was really drunk….
Had a dream about something really weird and it happens the next day?: yea.
Stalked someone?: ahem, we call it “controlled affection”
Had a mud bath: yea
Wished you were the opposite sex?: no
Had an imaginary friend?: when I was younger
Wished away your parents?: tried
Been so drunk you didn't remember that you were there:… that’s incriminating.
Taken any illegal substances: so is this
Got asked to?: ditto
Gone out in public in your pajamas: every time we go to breakfast
Where did you go: lots of places
Missed work because it was raining: nope
Set any body part on fire for amusement: no
Accidentally did?: once with a car lighter
If so, where?: my thumb, the lighter fell out of my hand and I tried to catch it with my other one
Kept a secret from everyone: yes
Wanted to hook up with a friend: ha I’m not telling
Cried during a movie: of course
Had a crush on a teacher: *cought*
Have friends that have?: yea
Who and what teacher?: I’m not telling, if you know me then you know.
Ever thought an animated character was hot: YES!
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: sheets, calendar, dolls… it was sad.
Watched a movie or show just to see a hot guy: yes
Who and what movie?: The only reason to see Tomb Raider was Angelina, I also try to catch every appearance the Killers, Joss Stone, and Johnny Depp
Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: Not exactly, Ash and I watch the new Real World every night when it comes on, but we never like PLANNED it, we just did it.
Prank called someone: yes
Been prank called by a friend: yes
Which friend?: a couple of them, mostly Alicia and Shelby
Been on stage: yes
What time is it now?: 1:46

****This or That****
Apples or bananas?: to eat Bananas, but I love apple juice
Blue or red?: blue
Backstreet Boys or N*sync?: ew. Just ew.
Walmart or Target?: Target
Spring or Fall?: Fall
Winter or Summer?: Winter
Santa or Rudolph?: Rudolph
Water or milk?: milk
Techno or Pop?: techo
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: read King Lear
What was the last meal you ate?: Turkey Wrap, Apple Juice, and Lays baked potato chips
Are you bored?: yes
Where will you be in the next hour?: stuck here
Last movie you saw?: Man of the House
At home: The Incredibles and The Sponge Bob movie
Last noise you heard?: Wendy typing

*****About your friends....*****
Laughs the weirdest?: Kegan, but he’s not really a “friend”
Going to have the most kids: Kadie
Who have you known the longest?: Kirsten or Foxy
Loudest? Colin
Is the quietest: Ashley most of the time
Will fill this out and send it back the soonest?: none of them.
Who is the moodiest?: ha that’d be me
Who can you tell most of your secrets to?: Lesley, Kadie, Ashley, Foxy, and probably Emily.
Who do you usually go to about all of your problems?: If I go to anyone at all its Lesley or Melissa
Best friend?: Im close to most of them but, Foxy is still my Online Soul sister, Kadie is the one I go to when I need someone to listen and say “that’s fucked up”, Ash is the one I go to when I need someone to take my mind off things, Lesley is who I count on to show me things aren’t all that bad, and kick ass when they are. They’re all my best friends in their own way.


Shampoo: Brunette by John Frida
Soap or body wash: Olay nourishing body wash
Colors: pink
Day or Night: night
Lace or satin: Lace
Cartoon Character: It’s a toss up between Vash the Stampede, and Eyore
Instrument: Piano
Food: Turkey Wraps
Type of music: Soul, Blues, Jazz, Metal, Punk, Country, Anything English

*******IN THE LAST 2 Weeks*******

Cried: yea
Cut your hair: yea
died your hair: no
Worn a skirt: yes
Been mean: yes
Been sarcastic: Always
To who: everyone
Talked to someone you have a crush on: yea
Hugged someone: yea, I think the last person was Lizzy
Fought with your parents: always
Wished upon a star: yes
Saw any stars: ugh! Astronomy Homework, TWO hours of it.
Laughed until you cried: yes
Played Truth or Dare: no
Watched a sunrise/sunset: yes
Played spin the bottle: no
Went to the beach at night: no
Spent quality time alone: yes
Ate a meal: once or twice
Are you lonely: no comment
Are you happy: ditto
Are you talking to someone on-line: Nope
Who is online: Wendy Lou, Tia, Kenny, Katie

********DO YOU BELIEVE IN********

God/Devil: yes
Love: not anymore
The Closet Monster: the only demons are in your head
The Big Bang Theory: FUCK if I hear that one more time… *bang*
Heaven/Hell: yes
Superstitions: yes
What is your full name?: Sara Jane Kinney
Who named you?: my Momma and Daddy.
When was the last time you showered?: last night
What time is it?: 1:52

xoxo SJ at 11:37 PM.

About Me

Name ♥ Sara
Birthday ♥ o1//o2
Horoscope ♥ Aquarius
School ♥ Of Hard Knocks


Listening to ♥ Blue October Reading ♥ Reservation Blues


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